Captain Spaulding Chronicles Photodump VII Jinja

   To fully encapsulate any journey via photography is all but impossible. Even if you spend nearly every moment behind the lens, the best you can do is get images that evoke memories. You will also inevitably miss something. For me, nature makes this point emphatically. There are species of birds that would practically perch on my hands, they were so common, yet I have no photographic evidence of them at all for the simple reason that they would seemingly vaporize the moment I trained my camera on them. Sometimes the lighting conditions or some other environmental factor made a clear shot beyond my ability. I defy anyone to find one recognizable form in my pictures from the fruit bat cave.

Jinja is a beautiful place on the headwaters of the Nile. If you are looking for the "Big Five", seek elsewhere. It is however so full of life that even I managed to get a couple decent photos. A startling number of these are from the grounds of my campgrounds

Long-tailed Cormorant 

Red Tailed Monkey 

Little Egret 

African Openbill

Giant Kingfisher

Pied wagtails bumming a ride

Tantallus Monkey

Ross's Turaco

Black Kite

Woodland Kingfisher

Purple Heron

Water Thick Knee

Hammerkop perched on the boathouse

Eastern Gray Plantain Eaters

The common but magnificent Variable Sunbird

Great Cormorant
Black Kite Nest

The difficult to photograph Malachite Kingfisher

A volunteer assisting me with my bird identification
