Captain Spaulding Chronicles: Photodump III Lake Nakuru

  Nature is nothing if it isn't unpredictable. One of the main attractions of  Lake Nakuru is the massive flocks of flamingos that apparently no longer like it there. It is possible to drive through the Masai Mara, which is famous for the richness and variety of carnivore life without seeing a single hyena. You have to trust to luck, stay alert and try not to be governed by your expectations. I expected a wealth of wading birds and raptors in Nakuru. Instead I was treated to among other things, close encounters with rhinos baboons and the extremely rare Rothschild's giraffe. You never know what you are going to encounter on a game drive, which really, is half the fun. 

Splendid starling

Olive baboons and impala

A hitchhiker

A mixed herd of buffalo and zebra grazing by the lake

Typical warthog grazing posture

Blacksmith lapwing

Hyena tracks

This is as close as we got to flamingos

Rothschild's giraffe. Note the unmarked "stockings"

Cinnamon chested bee eater 
African Scops owl
